Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
iamheather's Articles » Page 2
December 21, 2004 by iamheather
Drama People you love to hate Banishment Reincarnation Infidelity Sex Religious conflicts Political disagreements Social issues All of these characteristics define and encompass both reality tv and online blogging. Let's face it, real people make the best entertainment. Anyone who has ever read my blogs, knows that I have a guilty love of reality tv . Well, I can now claim an almost complete recovery from my addiction to those shows. I have found the cure to my di...
December 19, 2004 by iamheather
Saturday Night Live hasn't been funny in years. As an avid fan of the good old days when SNL kept me rolling, I keep hoping for that "new" cast that re-ignites the candle of comedy. Unfortunately, their latest antics leave me hopeless.   NBC's comedy depiction of talkradio king Rush Limbaugh passed-out in vomit from drug abuse ignited backstage outrage at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. The animated sketch left one senior production source stunned and outraged, the DRUDGE REPORT has learne...
December 19, 2004 by iamheather
Liberals bemoan his faith. They fear his indoctrination. He threatens their beliefs and spews intolerance... Or does he? A news magazine editor recently visited the White House for an after-hours Christmas tour. He wrote this about what he saw: "...enjoyed this year's seasonal music and the sea of cottony decorations and all the white and gold lights,...there was hardly any reference to the birthday boy Himself." "There was one small Christian symbol amid the secular extravaganza, an...
December 19, 2004 by iamheather
I must purge myself of a mother's overprotective outrage. It is probably stupid and meaningless, but the feeling remains; so I blog. We live in a nice family oriented suburb of Houston, complete with two car garages, beautifully green lawns peppered with pine trees that stretch to the sky. Our children take full advantage of the outdoors. We have a fort and swing set in the back yard. We live on a cul-de-sac, so traffic is of little concern while they ride their bikes. Our house is t...
December 18, 2004 by iamheather
It appears the ACLU is launching a protest against Bush on inauguration day. In fact, they even imply that President Bush is deliberately seeking to take away our freedoms.   Here is a recent campaign they are running on their website:       Help Us Get 100,000 People to Take the Pledge by Inauguration Day -- January 20th Today our most fundamental freedoms are in jeopardy. Only a bold, spirited movement of people like you who refuse to surrender your freedom...
December 18, 2004 by iamheather
"Doesn't Blogspot look so much sharper than JU?" "I've been impressed with the features of this website -- it's light years ahead of what I've been using in terms of ease of editing and fun stuff." "It runs a lot faster than the JU forums, too." "I just left a blog site that, like the United States is governed by an out-of-touch rich man, controlled by a conservative elite, and possessed of only one or two voices of moderation and compassion. People who don't toe the party line there ar...
December 17, 2004 by iamheather
Tune to Fox News for an interesting interview with the teacher that was the subject of the article Declaration of Independence Banned! The facts ought to be interesting. If you miss the show on now, it will be replayed later on tonight.   Update: Here is the transcript of the interview with the teacher.   STEPHEN WILLIAMS, TEACHER, STEVENS CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Yes. Last year, starting out in the beginning of the year, I hadn't changed my curriculum much at all,...
December 17, 2004 by iamheather
Hillary Clinton should leave this award off her resume when she runs for President in 2008. She has recently been awarded the   "German Media Prize" of 2004, a left-wing award to political figures. Other recipients of the German accolade include: Bill Clinton UN Secretary General Kofi Anon German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder Nelson Mandela Yassir Arafat     Nice company you keep, Hillary.
December 16, 2004 by iamheather
Environmentalists love to talk about the Bush administration's assault on the environment. They claim Bush has the worst environmental policies than any president in US history. He is cited as the equivilent of a terrorist on our air and Mother Earth. A recent report by the EPA may actually refute these accusations. The report finds that particle pollution has dropped 10% under Bush's watch.   "LOS ANGELES A new Environmental Protection Agency report says concentrations of dang...
December 16, 2004 by iamheather
JibJab has a new humorous Christmas video. For those of you familiar with JibJab, it stays true to their typical funny parodies. For those of you unfamiliar with JibJab, you are in for a fun surprise. Happy Holidays!      
December 16, 2004 by iamheather
JibJab has a new humorous Christmas video. For those of you familiar with JibJab, it stays true to their typical funny parodies. For those of you unfamiliar with JibJab, you are in for a fun surprise. Happy Holidays!      
December 16, 2004 by iamheather
It's Heather with red hair and glasses!
December 16, 2004 by iamheather
My son, Jakob, thought this picture of me as a little girl was his twin sister, Rachel. I do see the resemblance. Do you? The first picture is me and the other two are Rachel.
December 14, 2004 by iamheather
Some Americans lament to immigrants, "Assimilate or go home." Well according to a recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association , immigrants are definitely assimilating, just not like you might think. "Only 8 percent of immigrants who had lived in the United States for less than a year were obese, but that jumped to 19 percent among those who had been here for at least 15 years. That compared with 22 percent of U.S.-born residents surveyed." Apparently, i...
December 14, 2004 by iamheather
I wonder if he received government funding for this? Wonder what makes this art and not grounds for commitment to the state hospital? A British performance artist has been living like an earthworm for more than week as part of a contemporary art event in England, according to a Local 6 News report. Paul Hurley has been in plastic wrap slithering through muddy holes in Devon, United Kingdom, as part of the event. His series of performances, "Becomings Invertebrate" investigates huma...