Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on December 21, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging


People you love to hate





Religious conflicts

Political disagreements

Social issues

All of these characteristics define and encompass both reality tv and online blogging. Let's face it, real people make the best entertainment.

Anyone who has ever read my blogs, knows that I have a guilty love of reality tv. Well, I can now claim an almost complete recovery from my addiction to those shows. I have found the cure to my disease.

Joe User has rid me of my psychological dependence on reality programming. Blogs are the internet equivalent of soap operas featuring real people. The drama is high, opinions varied, and heated "fights" make for the greatest "ratings." Blogs, like their television counterparts, inform, heighten social awareness, and portray the depths of our depravity.

Hopefully, they also lead to self-reflection, growth, understanding, and tolerance.

"...a journey whose boundaries are the pit of man's fears and the summit of his imagination." ~The Twilight Zone

on Dec 21, 2004
Woohoo, no more reality tv This is so much more interactive, all the better
on Dec 21, 2004

Woohoo, no more reality tv

Danny, notice that I didn't go that far. I am still fighting with the disease....

an almost complete recovery from my addiction to those shows.

on Dec 21, 2004
I was being optimistic, you can do it
on Dec 21, 2004
you picked a good time to deal with your rtv jones.    the fox network's newest entry--'whose your daddy'--in which an adopted woman is gonna be paid if she's able to determine which of 8 guys is her biological father (if her father is able to fake her out, he gets the money instead) has to be one of the sickest things i can imagine.   (which is sayin quite a lot)  
on Dec 22, 2004
This is so much more interactive, all the better

And lots more fun!
on Dec 22, 2004

you picked a good time to deal with your rtv jones. the fox network's newest entry--'whose your daddy'--in which an adopted woman is gonna be paid if she's able to determine which of 8 guys is her biological father (if her father is able to fake her out, he gets the money instead) has to be one of the sickest things i can imagine. (which is sayin quite a lot)

Remember Darva Conger?  But Yea, I think this idea tops that one.  I dont watch any of them.  I live in reality. 

on Dec 23, 2004


the fox network's newest entry--'whose your daddy'--in which an adopted woman is gonna be paid if she's able to determine which of 8 guys is her biological father (if her father is able to fake her out, he gets the money instead) has to be one of the sickest things i can imagine. (which is sayin quite a lot)

My husband and I saw the preview for this show. We were stunned and speechless.

on Dec 23, 2004
Ratings are high at the moment dont you think?
on Dec 23, 2004

Ratings are high at the moment dont you think?

Obviously not, as they are resorting to any depth....