Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
iamheather's Articles In Politics » Page 3
December 10, 2004 by iamheather
Bernard Kerik who was President Bush's choice for Homeland Security Secretary has withdrawn his name for consideration. He cited "personal reasons." I am sorry to hear this news.
December 6, 2004 by iamheather
Check out this website Draft Al Gore to run for President in 2008. This would be a Republican dream come true. Where do I sign up to make donations? Al Gore has completely lost all semblance of sanity since the 2000 election. Some Democrats are living in a serious fantasy land.
December 6, 2004 by iamheather
*A special thanks to Little_whip's article How the left stole Christmas for the inspiration for this blog* Our culture is rife with double messages. We promote individuality, diversity, and "bucking the system". Rebels are held in the highest esteem as artists, philosophers, and leaders. Yet, we have to be careful not to offend those that are diverse, individuals, and outside of the mainstream. We adjust the "system" and culture to cater to the feelings of those diverse peoples as...
December 5, 2004 by iamheather
After reading another blog about a proposed amendment requiring the teaching of the constitution in schools, I could not help but recall a recent news story. How would Senator Byrd, being a Democrat, address this school decision? If Byrd's amendment passed, would we then have to declare what parts of the constitution and American history could be taught? Would we have to censor our own history? Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School Wed Nov 24, 2004 04:12 PM ET By Dan...
December 3, 2004 by iamheather
So, yesterday, I was perusing the latest edition of Time magazine. For some reason, I always start at the last page and go me crazy. The last article in Time magazine is always an op-ed piece that usually irriates me but rarely surprises me. While reading last week's aggravating piece entitled "The Battle is Over, but the War Goes On" by Michelle Cottie, I came across this paragraph: "Democrats found this election discombobulating because no matter how often they hear a...
November 29, 2004 by iamheather
We all know that the government could spend our money better. Cries of fiscal responsibility from both parties can be heard throughout our country. Since it is your money being spent, I would like to know what programs you would cut and why.
November 27, 2004 by iamheather
Since I cannot comment on another user's blog about cutting Pell Grant funding (seems I was pre-emptively blacklisted), I would like to offer an opposing point of view. While I commend anyone who rises above the difficulties life has dealt them, giving credit to government programs diminishes that person's achievement. I, too, came from a low-income family. College was not an option for me unless I earned it. Instead of applying for a government grant, I strived from my very first day i...
November 22, 2004 by iamheather
Who are the real bigots? Right-wingers? Red state constituents? I think not. Below I have cited comments made by White House Bureau Chief Helen Thomas, now a syndicated columnist with Hearst. Asked about the election result, the sharp-tongued reporter simply put her hand on her face and said, "My God, the man is a fascist -- a fascist, I tell you." She warned that Bush's victory will mean one thing: more war. She expects Iran to be next. In reference to Condoleezza Rice's nominati...
November 19, 2004 by iamheather
Tuesday, November 16 12:00 PM ET Bush to Abolish Government By Adam Tan Washington DC - In what is believed to be the most ambitious second-term agenda in recent presidential history, George W. Bush announced yesterday he plans to abolish the federal government "in its entirety" by the end of 2005 and then rule "by decree." Bush stated that his program reflects "the overwhelming and unverifiable mandate" he received in the election. Administration officials have already made g...
November 18, 2004 by iamheather
Call me crazy, but I laughed, I cried, I twiddled my thumbs. As I watched the opening and dedication ceremony of the Clinton library, I laughed when former President Carter apologized for a stumbling block he may have created in Clinton's rise to power. I teared up when Bush 41 talked about Clinton's tenacity at overcoming difficulties of childhood to be the man from and of "Hope." When Clinton droned on and on and on....I twiddled my thumbs. After about 15 minutes, all I could hear was th...
November 10, 2004 by iamheather
I received this email today and could not stop laughing..... Special Notice from Carnival Cruise Lines NOTICE FROM CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES Afghanistan Cruise We at Carnival Cruise Lines didn't forget that a lot of entertainers had promised to leave the country if George W. Bush became President. With that in mind We have a Special Offer for those who still want to keep their promise. Attention Would Alec Baldwin Rosie O'Donnell Ed Asner Whoppi Gol...
November 7, 2004 by iamheather
XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX SUN NOV 07, 2004 19:02:37 ET XXXXX BUSH CONSIDERS CLARENCE THOMAS FOR CHIEF JUSTICE **Exclusive** President Bush has launched an internal review of the pros and cons of nominating Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as the chief justice if ailing William Rehnquist retires, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. A top White House source familiar with Bush's thinking explains the review of Thomas as chief justice is one of several options currently under seriou...
November 5, 2004 by iamheather
"Burke's Peerage said Kerry was a distant cousin to Britain's Queen Elizabeth and had more royal blood than any presidential candidate in U.S. history, including Bush, who has plenty of blue blood of his own. Burke's also said the candidate with more royal blood wins. " That explains so much!!!! No wonder he always looked like an inbred with a stick up his a$s!!!
November 5, 2004 by iamheather
It is official, Bush won Iowa Add one more to the mandate. Not to mention that a voting machine error increased his lead in Ohio. The current national voting margin now stands at 52% Bush 47% Kerry. We get less and less divided every day....
November 5, 2004 by iamheather
Reasons to Vote 11. To escape the "get out the vote" phone calls, mailings and door-to-door volunteers on election day. 10. Perfect opportunity to check if your e-vote hack is in place. 9. Because if you don’t vote, the terrorists win. (unless you were going to vote for the terrorists, in which case they win anyway). 8. It’ll be good practice for the court-ordered recount election to be held Feb. 9, 2005. 7. Because this year Al Franken will literally beat the shit out of you if y...