Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Al Gore in 2008
Published on December 6, 2004 By iamheather In Politics
Check out this website Draft Al Gore to run for President in 2008.

This would be a Republican dream come true. Where do I sign up to make donations?

Al Gore has completely lost all semblance of sanity since the 2000 election.

Some Democrats are living in a serious fantasy land.

on Dec 06, 2004

Heather, can you please call Wahine and make sure she's okay?

I'm sorry to hijack your thread here, but we're all really very worried about her.....

on Dec 06, 2004
To steal from Mike Meyer, "Yah, and monkeys will fly out my butt."
on Dec 06, 2004
We can draft people to run? Woohoo! McGovern '08! (Why not?)
on Dec 06, 2004
Yeah they should draft Gore, pu thim in uniform and send him to Iraq;p
on Dec 06, 2004
Yeah they should draft Gore, pu thim in uniform and send him to Iraq;p

How about drafting Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rummy, etc.?
on Dec 06, 2004
Sure send them all I say all of them
on Dec 07, 2004
Heather, can you please call Wahine and make sure she's okay?I'm sorry to hijack your thread here, but we're all really very worried about her.....

I believe this is old and we have both talked to her, but just in case, I posted on the thread about Tex.

To steal from Mike Meyer, "Yah, and monkeys will fly out my butt."

Evidently, some people think this is a good idea and might work. Heck, I am all for it!

We can draft people to run?

Well, that is what the spokesman called it on the news show I was watching.
on Dec 07, 2004
That would be fun. I wonder how the democrats would spin his nervous breakdown? !
on Dec 07, 2004
Dr. Guy
I wonder how the democrats would spin his nervous breakdown?

They would probably claim he received some of that therapy in Florida for depressed Democrats.

so they can lament their losses for FOUR MORE YEARS....bauahahaha.

I love are so wicked, LW

on Dec 07, 2004

Reply #5 By: latour999 - 12/6/2004 11:39:44 PM
Yeah they should draft Gore, pu thim in uniform and send him to Iraq;p

How about drafting Bush, Cheney, Condi, Rummy, etc.?

And..................... all their kids.
on Dec 07, 2004
And..................... all their kids.

Yeah. Lets see the Bush daughters carrying around a M-16 in Fallujah.