This man is your Creator. Your Father in the flesh full of unconditional love for his children. Do you have any children? If so, would you need them to ask you for help? Would you wait to intervene until they were suffering? No, you would do anything for them. Must a parent receive love to love? Absolutely not.
God doesn't believe....he knows. He is your Author, your Creator, your Parent. We cause him pain with every sin we commit because he knows we are only hurting ourselves. He knows all that encompasses who we are. He knows the number of hairs on your head. There is no myth to dispell. He sees all that you are, and loves you anyway.
Not all churches in Christianity have done away with confession. Even those that do not have formal confessions, still encourage fellowship with other believers and fervent prayer of confession and repentance.
I am honored that you have shared your feelings with me and others. Thank you for letting us carry some of your burden. Thank you for listening to us with an open heart. Thank you for your honesty and self reflection.
Obviously, if you have read my thread, then you know that I believe that there are many paths to God.
People who have never read a bible or learned to read or write have a sense of a "divine" spirit. Christians think that the only way to God is through Jesus, but how can that be? How could an all knowing God devise a plan that would make it impossible for people who live in an area that has never seen a bible, or for mentally handicapped people who can not understand, to make it to heaven?
After reading about many religions, it seems quite clear to me that it all points to the same belief- only the names are changed. All organized religions, even those who have multiple divinities, have one God that is more powerful than the others. Heck, even Earth religions have a powerful God- the Sun (they name the sun different things) and, for all we know, the sun *is* God and that is why it is so powerful. But, we don't know, and there is no way to prove any of it.
I also can't believe that "God" could possibly want us to fight with each other over who is "right" in religion. God would have made many paths for different people to be able to make it to heaven. And, why not? Why should there be only one way? Why would that make sense at all? And, why would a powerful God need to have one name?
I could be convinced that there is a "God". Heaven is a different story. In the end, I end up describing myself as a Buddhist with a Transcendental twist. I believe in the life teachings of Buddhism (btw, "philosophy" is the word that is typically used when describing Buddhism) but I also have an easier time believing in an oversoul than in "heaven". If you are not familiar with the "oversoul" theory, it's basically that when you die your energy returns to the oversoul to be distributed among living things. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so it makes a bit of sense to me. However, i am far from reaching the end of my path to enlightenment, so that can change.
The great thing about Buddhism is that you can follow it and still believe in whatever organized religion you crave. It has a bunch of great teachings on truths in life, and how to connect with your inner spirit.