Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Marketing Gone Bad
Published on December 3, 2004 By iamheather In Humor
As most of my readers know, I have been suffering from some bizarre neck pain. I have absolutely no idea how or when I strained my neck (call me crazy!) to this point, but here I sit in agony.

Anyway, among the many "treatments" I have subjected myself to over the past week, I have several times resorted to the old stand-by BenGay. My love affair with BenGay spans decades. I wore it like a perfume during my dancing days (ballet, not stripping). I bathed in it during my pregnancy with the twins when I thought my back would break carrying two babies both over 7 lbs. Sometimes, BenGay became an aphrodesiac when Zombie massages it into my aching joints.

So, my admiration of BenGay grew exponentially when I read the latest packaging promising "vanishing scent." Could it be? Could my friend have removed the only blot on our relationship?

Well, if you think taking a shower after application qualifies as "vanishing scent," then yes the blot has disappeared. If applying a little on your nose, so that it becomes numb, qualifies as vanishing, then truth in advertising.

BenGay, I will love you, smelly or not, until the day my aches vanish!

on Dec 18, 2004

heather, i'd never heard of Bengay !. i had to go google it !.

australia misses all the good stuff. like graham crackers. and now BenGay !!!.

we have what i think is a similar thing, it's called 'dencorub'... what an unappealing name. still, i guess, 'bengay' is no prize-winning monicker either !

mig XXX

on Dec 18, 2004


No graham crackers...I was considering Australia as a future residence should things ever go too far awry in the US, but now....well I am just not sure.

Dencorub, BenGay....wonder if they hired the same guy to create thier monickers.

Does Dencorub smell badly?