Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
To what level will we sink?
Published on December 13, 2004 By iamheather In Current Events
I have never been overly fond of beauty pageants, but was never truly bothered by them.

Now with the success of shows like The Swan, Extreme Makeover, and Nip and Tuck, we have plastic surgery beauty pageants?!? I know that The Swan does this, but at least they make an attempt to claim these women "need" the help.

Well, China has just created the first award for man-made beauty. Lovely.....

Let's look at history: first lip plates, foot binding, corsets, plastic surgery

What is next? Miss Cloned? Miss Genetically Altered? Miss Hologram? Miss Virtual Reality? Will they create questions to judge her AI?

Where does it end? Will women never be good enough?

on Dec 13, 2004
I think when all is said and done, the biggest beauty pageant will be a novelty "nostalgia" show called "Miss Real Woman" ;~D
on Dec 13, 2004
novelty "nostalgia" show called "Miss Real Woman

One can only hope! Real Women Unite!
on Dec 13, 2004
They already have a kind of 'Miss Virtual Reality' in Miss Digital World... very weird.


on Dec 13, 2004
They already have a kind of 'Miss Virtual Reality' in Miss Digital World... very weird.

That is weird! Thanks for the link, Floozie.
on Dec 13, 2004 not working, Floozie
on Dec 13, 2004
Miss Science Project, Miss Bizarro Woman, Miss Take
on Dec 13, 2004
Hmmm... Why can't I get anything to work for me! The link is Seems I am too inept to even put in a link these days!
on Dec 13, 2004

I found the article supremely Ironic!  Not because of the plastic surgery aspect, but because of the place!  Red China!  The last bastion of supposedly everyone equal communism!

Some times it helps just to laugh at the absurdity than to rave about the injustice.

on Dec 13, 2004
Miss Science Project, Miss Bizarro Woman, Miss Take

Dr. Guy
Red China! The last bastion of supposedly everyone equal communism!

Yes, I found the irony too. I wasn't so much raving about injustice, just dumbfounded.

on Dec 21, 2004

And the winner is:


on Dec 21, 2004
This is a picture of her at the end? Is there a picture of her before she was plasticized?
on Dec 21, 2004
My congratulations to her doctor. Afterall, when you look at any sculpture it is the artist who deserves the accolades, since the piece itself did nothing to deserve any.
on Dec 21, 2004


This is a picture of her at the end? Is there a picture of her before she was plasticized?

I don't know. Maybe she was too embarrassed before, ~goes off to do more research~


My congratulations to her doctor. Afterall, when you look at any sculpture it is the artist who deserves the accolades

hahaha....great point. Congratulations to her surgeon.