Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on December 2, 2004 By iamheather In Misc
As everyone already knows, during this last election, exit polls showed that 20% of voters cited "moral values" as their top concern.

"Desperate Housewives" is currently the #1 rated show in prime time television.

Does this dichotomy make Americans hypocrites? Can you be a highly moral person and enjoy a show like "Desperate Housewives?"

Maybe, there is no hypocrasy. Do people concerned with "moral values" also enjoy the entertainment value of "Desperate Housewives?" Is the issue simply a matter of reality vs. fantasy?

What do you think, JU?

on Dec 02, 2004
Perhaps the 20% doesn't watch desperate housewives? Perhaps the show has redeeming moral values? I wouldn't know, I've never seen it. One of the crudest (if not crudest) shows I've ever seen (south park) always managed to have a good moral value to each episode. Perhaps desperate housewives is the same? Or more likely we're all hypocrites
on Dec 02, 2004
I have only seen one episode of Desperate Housewives. No moral value that I could find. If anything, from my one exposure, I would say it was more like a desecration of the traditional family.

I agree with you on South Park. I love that show!
on Dec 03, 2004
I've never watched "Desperate Housewives" merely because I thought it was a "Sex in the City" rip-off. But yeah, we are all hipocrites. I mean, not to piss anyone off here, but some of the people that go to church, go just to say they go. Then they pass judgement on the ones that don't go by saying "your going to hell" when it's not the lack of going to church that sends you to hell (if their is one) it's those damn roles that your supposed to follow that keeps you out of hell. (10 commandments). AND...If they were REAL students of the bible, then they would know that the only one who passes judgement his His all Mighty. Sooooo. with that being said, I agree that a lot of us are hipocrites.

Hell, I'd admit to hipocracy myself.
on Dec 03, 2004

america's puritans have always been so incredibly conflicted they make the classic italian 'madonna/whore' thing look like basic arithmetic.    how else to explain a culture so focused on breasts that women literally risk their lives by having implants while forcing mothers to breastfeed their infants in public restrooms.

im sure a fair number of those who view themselves stalwart defenders of marriage because they go to the wall over opposite sex marriages are also avid fans of at least one of those reality shows that cheapen marriage to the point that any sensible gay couple would go outta their way to avoid having anything to do with the institution.

who do you suspect spends multi-millions of dollars annually to rent porn flicks from the neighorhood vid mart?  (hint: it aint those who appear in them hahahahah)

on Dec 03, 2004

, I agree that a lot of us are hipocrites. Hell, I'd admit to hipocracy myself.

Yeah, I think we all have been hypocrites at one time or another.


any sensible gay couple would go outta their way to avoid having anything to do with the institution.

Yep, my homosexual friend always says the same thing. "Heteros can't get it right, so why would we want any part of that?"

who do you suspect spends multi-millions of dollars annually to rent porn flicks from the neighorhood vid mart? (hint: it aint those who appear in them hahahahah)

All the lonely guys out there? Stag parties?
on Dec 03, 2004
I hate to say this but you have to admit saints are boring. Sinners are definately more entertaining. Who would watch a show about perfect housewives with happy marriages, angels for kids, etc. That would be blah. Now desperate housewives, who lose it with their kids, have affairs, have romance and mystery in their lives - that's entertainment. I also don't think that if you are moral that means you have to sit around watching 7th Heaven and Touched by an Angel. It doesn't mean that you are going to go and have an affair if you watch people on TV having affairs. I consider myself a moral person - not a holy roller but I don't lie, steal, deliberately hurt other people and I enjoy watching shows that have immoral people. That is the almost every story anyway. Good against evil.
on Dec 03, 2004

All the lonely guys out there? Stag parties

wanna buy a bridge?  trade that cow for some magic beans? 

on Dec 03, 2004
wanna buy a bridge? trade that cow for some magic beans?

kingbee, I ain't bitin'

Who would watch a show about perfect housewives with happy marriages, angels for kids, etc

Evidently some people did and still do. TVLand and Nick at Night have great success showing old shows about perfect housewives trying to raise angelic kids, i.e. The Donna Reed Show, Make Room for Daddy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, etc.

I also don't think that if you are moral that means you have to sit around watching 7th Heaven and Touched by an Angel

I watch 7th Heaven and some trashy shows...what does that say about me?

on Dec 03, 2004
how else to explain a culture so focused on breasts that women literally risk their lives by having implants while forcing mothers to breastfeed their infants in public restrooms.

Very good line, kingbee.

Interesting article, heather. I enjoy depravity in some instances and not in others. I love CSI and the gorier the better. I have no room to talk. I think we are all hypocrites just trying to blame the sin and moral decay on other people.
on Dec 03, 2004

I love CSI and the gorier the better. I have no room to talk. I think we are all hypocrites just trying to blame the sin and moral decay on other people.

How true! I myself claim to be part of the evil "moral majority," yet have a fascination with serial killers, gory TV crime dramas/documentaries, and of course, my guilty pleasure of "reality" soap operas. Ahhhh....the hypocrosy!

Glad to see ya around again, Tex


on Dec 06, 2004
I think it goes back to the concept that we applaud in our entertainment acts that we would never put up with in real life.

"Desperate Housewives" is one example. The acts of Dirty Harry and other rogue cops in filmdon is another.

I think it feeds from our own imaginings when confronted with moral and ethical dimlemnas in our own lives. When someone cuts us off on the highway while we are in what we think is a hurry, we may imagine all sorts of aweful ends to them. However, if we actually saw our fantasies played out, complete with lights, sirens and road flairs, most of us would be horrified to see what our minds had already shown us.

<>EG<> Of course, no matter if we are horrified or not, we will still feel the uncontrolable push to slow down to get a better look at the carnage (while at the same time ranting and raving at the windshield about everyone else doing the same thing).
on Dec 06, 2004
However, if we actually saw our fantasies played out, complete with lights, sirens and road flairs, most of us would be horrified to see what our minds had already shown us.

Scary but true!
on Dec 06, 2004

I hate to say this but you have to admit saints are boring. Sinners are definately more entertaining. Who would watch a show about perfect housewives with happy marriages, angels for kids, etc. That would be blah. Now desperate housewives, who lose it with their kids, have affairs, have romance and mystery in their lives - that's entertainment. I also don't think that if you are moral that means you have to sit around watching 7th Heaven and Touched by an Angel. It doesn't mean that you are going to go and have an affair if you watch people on TV having affairs. I consider myself a moral person - not a holy roller but I don't lie, steal, deliberately hurt other people and I enjoy watching shows that have immoral people. That is the almost every story anyway. Good against evil.

I had to quote Locamama's entire reply, because she hit the nail squarely on the head IMO... but just to add a little to the mix, I honestly believe that no matter how 'saintly' or 'sinnery' (is that a word?) we believe ourselves to be, there's a little bit of each of us in these 'fictional' characters that we see on these shows.  Take Samantha on 'Sex in the City"... I'd venture to say that there aren't many women out there that could rival her slutty ways, but let's face it, there's a little bit of 'slut' in nearly every woman whether she admits it/acts on it or not... It's all about identifying with the characters on some level, whether you're a saint or a sinner.

As for South Park, it's rude, crude, obnoxious, and funny as hell... did anyone see the new episode last Wednesday night that pointed out what a 'stupid spoiled whore' Paris Hilton is?  how could you not laugh your ass off at that shit?  and it's so fucking true... not to mention the fact that it's true that little girls everywhere look up to these slutty bitches like Paris, Britney & Christina.  And that's just what we need in this country... more girls aspiring to be stupid spoiled whores.  [end rant]

on Dec 06, 2004

Personally, speaking solely for myself, I was disgusted by "Desparate Housewives" from the first trailer I saw. But, I long ago discovered that my remote works fine, so, its presence on TV doesn't bother me.

As for the nationwide trend, I'd say it's a little of both. There's a historical fascination of those with puritanical beliefs towards voyeurism; remember the woman brought before Jesus was "caught IN THE ACT of adultery", meaning that, most likely, these pious religious leaders were watching and enjoying (the fact that the MAN involved in the same act was absent makes it likely the man was one of their own in my humble opinion).

on Dec 06, 2004
There's a historical fascination of those with puritanical beliefs towards voyeurism

Yes Gideon, like others have said, it is like the rubbernecking at car accidents.

As for South Park, it's rude, crude, obnoxious, and funny as hell... did anyone see the new episode last Wednesday night that pointed out what a 'stupid spoiled whore' Paris Hilton is?

Darn, sorry I missed it. Sounds hilarious.