Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 23, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging
Why are so many things offending and annoying me today? Either everybody I come into contact with is depressed or angry, or I am viewing the world through depressed and angry glasses.

Most of the articles I have read on JU today appear angry or sad or depressed or "doomsdayish." I say "appear" because I am still not sure it was the articles themselves, but maybe my state of mind when I read them.

I feel persecuted too. Well, maybe persecuted is a bit strong. What makes people "different" or "individuals?" Doesn't the company one keeps define that person's majority? What if the company kept varies vastly? Is there a majority then? Is there a "normal?" Is there a "different?" In any given community, a type of ranking evolves. Do those of highest ranking define the mainstream? If so, am I different here or part of the mainstream?

I value people from all walks of life and all beliefs. How can I be sure of my own beliefs without exposure to others? How could I call myself a Christian, without exhibiting my belief in unconditional love? How can I judge others if I profess to love my neighbors? Do I have to continually defend myself and beliefs to people, or will they view me through my actions?

Should I apologize for being a Christian? A Republican? A pro-lifer? A mother? A woman? I will not.

I will however try to learn, understand and respect everyone I meet. I will express my opinions and profess my views. Never hatefully, condescendingly, or discriminately.

Is it my glasses or our community?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 23, 2004
I don't think it's you.
on Nov 23, 2004
The sky is falling, it's the end of the world If I had to guess I'd say it's the season, the people that are unhappy are more vocal because it's supposed to be happy holiday times. Course, the happy holiday people should be more vocal as well. Maybe you just got up on the wrong side of the bed today?
on Nov 23, 2004
You know, danny may be right about the holidays having something to do about it. There does seem to be more negativity . . . some of it's coming from me, too (sorry about that!).
on Nov 23, 2004
If I'm right it's going to get worse before it gets better. But on the other hand, we can't all be happy all of the time, wouldn't be healthy. Must take time to be unhappy in order to be an emotionaly balanced person
on Nov 23, 2004
One of my favorite sayings is "All sunshine makes a desert".

We need the rain too.
on Nov 23, 2004
Close to a full moon maybe?
on Nov 23, 2004
Maybe you just got up on the wrong side of the bed today?

Could be.

some of it's coming from me, too (sorry about that!).

No need to apologize, Tex. We are here for you. I was just wondering if I was in a bitchy, pissy mood or if it was something else.

Close to a full moon maybe?

Or maybe just my time of the month....who knows!

on Nov 23, 2004
Nope, eventually there won't be a tomorrow, at least for you. But I doubt that will be tomorrow And I for one will take my chances and stick around, at least until I decide to go to bed
on Nov 23, 2004
Its a scientific fact that women who live in close proximity to each other eventually synchronize menstrual cycles...maybe thats whats happening here.....(RUN, GUYS!)

Heh, ive been feeling like a twat all day too.....just grumpy and bitchy and mean....

Ahhhh, so that explains it!

And I for one will take my chances and stick around, at least until I decide to go to bed

Oh you brave man you! But we love ya for it.
on Nov 23, 2004
.....just grumpy and bitchy and mean....

me too....just an all around cranky day. And nothing really happened to make it so.
on Nov 23, 2004
me too....just an all around cranky day. And nothing really happened to make it so.

Me either. Oh well, such is life I suppose.
on Nov 23, 2004

In any given community, a type of ranking evolves. Do those of highest ranking define the mainstream? If so, am I different here or part of the mainstream?

uh-oh ! ... if those of high ranking define the mainstream, then the world must be in much worse shape than i thought to have my blog ranked no 8 !!! hehe.

seriously heather, you seem to be becoming well established on ju, and i have enjoyed the benefit of several of your insightful comments. i have always felt a little 'different', but that's not a bad thing on ju. i have found my niche (after many errors and the odd silly outburst hehe), and i feel certain you belong here .

vanessa/mig XXX


on Nov 23, 2004
seriously heather, you seem to be becoming well established on ju, and i have enjoyed the benefit of several of your insightful comments. i have always felt a little 'different', but that's not a bad thing on ju. i have found my niche (after many errors and the odd silly outburst hehe), and i feel certain you belong here .

Thank you. I think that is the greatest compliment anyone has given me. I just hope to contribute my little perspective. That's it....contribute.
on Nov 23, 2004
I think heather that it is the mood going around the whole world at the moment, people are discontent, and people are feeling something inside that they dont like at the moment.. maybe it is the collective spirit of humanity that is currently being shaken up so that we "wake up" and fix things that are distressing in our lives.

I dont think it is going to get any better soon, but maybe being conscious of feeling this way we can make an effort to put out some good vibes to the world so that it counteracts the "negativity".

on Nov 23, 2004
maybe being conscious of feeling this way we can make an effort to put out some good vibes to the world so that it counteracts the "negativity".

Oh I hope so. I hate feeling this way!
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