Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 20, 2004 By iamheather In Current Events
I'll take a Venti Americano Bud, please.

I just found this article about a new beer/coffee concoction. I want to know where I an be a taste tester? Oh and where have I been? I have never had a vodka Red Bull! Do I live a sheltered life or what?

Gourmet Brew or Hangover Cure?

Fri Nov 19,10:39 AM ET Oddly Enough - Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - A beer flavored with coffee beans may serve as a hair-of-the-dog hangover aide or pick-me-up with a kick but that's not really its purpose says the award-winning maker Meantime Brewing.

Peter Haydon says the newly launched beer, on sale in supermarket J Sainsbury, is for winter tipplers seeking specialty strains.

"It's definitely an adult flavor," he told Reuters, adding the four-percent-strong beer is not for Britain's controversial teen' market for alcopops, or for clubbers downing double-hit cocktails such as the caffeinated soft drink Red Bull and vodka.

"It's definitely not for your vodka-Red-Bull punters. It's for your Sunday-supplement-reading, market-visiting, food-interested types," he added.

Haydon said the London-produced beer, which uses fair-traded roasted arabica beans from Rwanda, is intended to serve as a morning cappuccino or even as a meal-time digestif.

"It's not the sort you could drink loads of," he added.

on Nov 20, 2004
Mmmm . . . coffee and beer . . .
on Nov 20, 2004
Caffinated beer... excellent!

First we had just normal coffee... then specialty coffees... then colas... then energy drinks... then caffinated mints, gum, bar soap (not making that one up) even water... and now, if that wasn't enough... we have caffinated beer.

I remember something from my high school health class about the effects of combining uppers (i.e. caffiene) and downers (booze being an example)...
on Nov 20, 2004
bar soap (not making that one up)

Where can I get some?
on Nov 20, 2004

Didn't Drew Carey's show have some home brew in it that was made with coffee?  I think they called it 'Buzz Beer'.....

Bar soap with caffiene in it?  I want some!!

on Nov 21, 2004
There was a beer that had coffee in it before this one. I believe it was a micro-brew from the north east somewhere.
on Nov 22, 2004
There was a beer that had coffee in it before this one. I believe it was a micro-brew from the north east somewhere.

SSG please inform me where I may purchase such beer. I live a sheltered life apparently.

Didn't Drew Carey's show have some home brew in it that was made with coffee? I think they called it 'Buzz Beer'.....

Ahhh yes! I remember. The good ol' days.