Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 16, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging
Call me crazy, but I used to think women who watched soaps were sad little housewives who sat at home lonely eating bon-bons. I never wanted to grow up and be one of those middle aged ladies who called their friends to gossip about fictional characters sleeping with each other, dying and then coming back to life, and long lost identical twins. I thought soaps were pointless and for people who didn't have a life.

Oh judge not, lest you be judged!

I must confess...I am addicted to reality TV. I watch "The Swan," "Real World," "Apprentice," "American Idol," "Road Rules," (omg...the list could go on and on and on)

Recently, I was telling my husband about some evil woman on one of the shows that slept with "so-and-so's" boyfriend. WHAT!?! Those reality TV shows are no different or better than the soaps I used to find silly and pathetic. I have turned into the lonely housewife eating bon bons and gossiping about infidelities.

I feel so guilty.... Maybe I just need to get a life, or soaps aren't that bad after all?

on Nov 16, 2004
When we were in college, my husband and I had to drive about 90 miles to our university, and so when we went, we were there for the day and couldn't go home between classes. Our schedules were not perfectly in sync, and so at one point during the day, my husband would be off while I was in class. He would sit in the student union bldg. and watch a soap opera called "Passions." He was really into it, and I was forever hearing about some kind of evil midget or something . . .

You know, I suspect that the people who speak out about the reality tv shows the most are just closeted reality tv fans. The shows are like car wrecks . . . who's going to drive past without leering for a moment?
on Nov 16, 2004
You know, I suspect that the people who speak out about the reality tv shows the most are just closeted reality tv fans. The shows are like car wrecks . . . who's going to drive past without leering for a moment?

Thanks, Tex, but you are not helping my guilt any!
on Nov 16, 2004
I watch reality TV - they are just entertainment. I like Amazing Race, Survivor, America's Next Top Model and The Apprentice. I don't like the romance types so much because I find them to be very strange.

I have to ask people who are so big on condemning the watching of reality shows.
Does NOT watching reality TV make a person better than those who do? Why does everyone talk about watching those shows like it's some kind of big sin?

on Nov 16, 2004
Thanks, Tex, but you are not helping my guilt any!

He he he . . . OK, here is a confession of the Reality tv programs I have savored at one time or another:

American Idol

Trading Spaces

Cupid (oooh I loved that one!)

The Swan

Trading Spouses

. . . and there are probably more that I can't think of right now.

on Nov 16, 2004
The shows are like car wrecks . . . who's going to drive past without leering for a moment?

Whoa. I *just* used that analogy in my latest blog. V. strange, or then again not so much. Pretty common analogy these days for those of us who hate to admit it.

Mostly I watch reality TV to make myself feel better. I don't backstab, cheat, or get plastic surgery and I have a great life. Though it appears I might just be a little bit arrogant....

on Nov 16, 2004
The thing with reality TV is that it allows us to vicariously experience another form of so-called 'reality' without actually having to engage in it. I'd prefer to be talking about some character's (and lets face it, they are just characters on reality shows) infidelity than my best friend's or, god forbid, boyfriend's. We're all drawn to these naughty things in life. It's lucky that we mostly realise that it would be a bad idea to engage in it

I was infatuated with America's Next Top Model and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance. There doesn't seem to be much on at the moment that's taken my fancy. Oh well, back to Will and Grace then...

Great article!

Suz xxx
on Nov 16, 2004
Mostly I watch reality TV to make myself feel better. I don't backstab, cheat, or get plastic surgery and I have a great life

Great point! I tend to do that too. I am always a bit more thankful for the life after watching. I also tend to use "reality" TV as a guage of society and morality. In some strange way, I think it prepares and keeps me up to date on what my children will be facing and experiencing.

My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance

OMG, I loved that one!

Great article!

Why thank you, Suz
on Nov 16, 2004
I also tend to use "reality" TV as a guage of society and morality.

On morality? Huh. Well, the one girl who didn't sleep with the Bachelor did get kicked off the show, so I guess she had morals. But maybe I'm taking your point too far, or interpreting it wrongly. I guess I just think that it's at the very extreme liberal end of the morality spectrum. And to be honest, I don't know very many women who would go on some TV show and sleep with some guy for all the world to see. I guess I just don't think we're *that* immoral. But yeah, I can see how it would give you an idea of what your kids will be facing.

on Nov 21, 2004
But maybe I'm taking your point too far, or interpreting it wrongly. I guess I just think that it's at the very extreme liberal end of the morality spectrum.

I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the MTV crowd. I watch Real World and Road Rules to get a view of what the young crowd are up to.