Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 12, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging
One of the greatest things about growing older (maybe the only thing) is the ability to know yourself. It seems my whole life until recently, I strived to find that "thing" that defined me. Usually, who I was depended on what I did.

During my adolescents and teenage years, I would introduce myself to people this way:

Hi, my name is Heather. I am a professional dancer. (not the adult entertainment kind)

During my early to mid-20's, it sounded more like this:

Hi, I am Joshua's mother....
Hi, I am Jakob's mother...
Hi, I am Rachel's mother....
Hi, I am Chris' wife....

Now that I am in my 30's, I have found peace in just being me. I actually (dare I say) kinda like me most of the time. Not very convincing, huh?

Hi, I am Heather.

Feels good.

on Nov 12, 2004
Hi Heather, glad you've found yourself, hope you enjoy your time with you.