Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 12, 2004 By iamheather In Humor
Call me crazy because last night I had a son formulating in my head. During a bout of insomnia, I got up at 3 am to scribble down this political parody.

(Sing to the tune of "The Beverly Hillbillies" TV show)

Listen to a story 'bout a man named John,
All he had to say was
"Hey, we need Bush gone!"
Then one day he was in a flip-floppin' mood,
"War in Iraq is bad,
No wait I think it's good."
....diversion, that is....wrong war...wrong time.

Well the first thing ya know
the two John's are a pair.
John Edwards said, "Vote us-
We've got the better hair."
Swift Vet ads revealed the true John Kerry,
While Michael Moore conjured up a new conspiracy.
....Fahrenheit 9/11, that is....George Soros and movie stars.

Now it's time to say goodbye
To John Edwards and Fred Gwen,
We would like to thank the Vets
For doin' Kerry in.
You're all invited in four years
To this locality,
To have a helpin' of the liberal party's true insanity.

on Nov 12, 2004
Not bad for a quiuck stab. Pretty good actually!
on Nov 12, 2004
Actually pretty dang good!
on Nov 12, 2004
Not bad for a quiuck stab

Ok so I am not Elton John, but the voices in my head last night commanded me to write this down.