Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Where ever you may be
Published on November 4, 2004 By iamheather In Politics
Open letter to George Soros,

Mr. Soros, I would like to personally thank you for helping re-elect our President. I knew when you claimed that you would buy the election for John Kerry, that I had a friend in you. See, Mr. Soros, Americans do not like anybody, especially rich white guys, to threaten our free will and right to choose our President. Once you made that remark, a silent alarm sounded in homes around the country. The alarm prompted all of us to make sure our President could not be bought. Your self-righteous remark energized and mobilized the very core of America, and that core supported the morals and ideas of George W. Bush.

I would love to send this letter to you, but I cannot seem to find you. I can only assume that you have joined some monastery for the next four years as you promised. Of course that would mean I could trust your word. Well, wherever you are, would you mind thanking Michael Moore for me. I am sure you are both hiding out somewhere, licking your wounds, and regrouping. I hope you do, because we may need you both to sound off the silent alarm for us again in 2008.


P.S. I have enclosed an article clipping from another conservative friend that wanted to express my same sentiments.

David Bossie, president of the conservative group Citizens United, thanked filmmaker Michael Moore and other left-wingers for helping re-elect President Bush.
"I'd like to extend a thank you to Michael Moore, George Soros, and the Hollywood left," Mr. Bossie said in a prepared statement.
"These left-wingers and groups that made up the 'Anybody but Bush' movement tried every trick in the book to energize voters with their anger and venom, painting the picture of a divided and pessimistic America. Thanks to their over-the-top tactics, it backfired and actually helped the American people see clearly.
"Americans are unified by optimism for what lies ahead for our country, as well as President Bush's strong leadership in the war on terror. We should all be grateful to these liberal extremist groups for helping elect George W. Bush to protect our nation another four years."

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