Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on November 3, 2004 By iamheather In Politics
Call me crazy because I would like to thank John Kerry. For the first time during this campaign season, John Kerry did something statesmanly and upstanding; he conceded. Thank you Senator Kerry for being a better man that Al Gore 4 years ago. Thank you for realizing that it would be detrimental to our country to have another election in the courts. Thank you John Kerry for accepting the things you cannot nor should not try to change.

The whole country appreciates your actions.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 04, 2004
Buy me? My hourly rate is more than what most people make in a week. My doctor sure as hell couldnt afford me... come to think of it, that might be why my clients are some of the largest corporations in the world.
You did indeed imply that my wife was a homophobe. Saying something is one thing, not having the spine to back it up is another. Silly me, but of course, youre a liberal free thinker, everything exists in a shade of gray for you.

Ive met far too many people that have a degree or two that arent smart enough to keep a job. Anyone can learn from lectures and books, but a true sign of intelligence is how a person applies that knowledge in the real world. Still, you live in your world, I live in the mine, everything will be just fine... for me at least..
on Nov 04, 2004
Oh, and if you are so uneducated as to say that someone who has gone to law school, gotten two post graduate degrees, and teaches college history is ignorant, than you need a reality check.

Do you not understand the difference between education (which is nothing more than training) and intellect? Anyone can buy an education; no one can buy intellect. Some of the most intellectually challenged people I have ever met have a degree or two. No matter how much education or years of instruction someone receives, they are still limited by their God given intelligence. A degree simply means one was "instructed" in the ways of thinking. It does not give people the ability to think and reason.

A person with a borderline retarded IQ can receive as many degrees as their heart's desire with enough money and time. However, they will still be limited by their IQ. On the other hand, someone like Einstein was not limited by his lack of degrees or formal training because his intellect drove his ability to teach himself and learn himself...he needed no "instruction." In fact, I would venture to say that such "institutional training" would probably have stifled his creativity and inventiveness.

on Nov 05, 2004

yup, that's true Zombie'n'heather, I was not trying to insult you before, but now you've both insulted me.  My hourly rate was also what most people take home in a week, so if we're still having a pissing for distance contest, than maybe we've reached a tie.  I'm also not going to prove to you how "smart" I am.  I'm REALLY smart, and sure that's arrogance, but it's even more arrogant to say that someone's not.  Yes anyone can pay for their degree with enough money, but my parent's weren't rich.  I went to two Ivy league schools on academic scholarships.  If I implied your wife was a homophobe than I apologize, in fact, I already did.  Deal with it, I'm tired of this conversation which is going in circles, so:Cheers

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