Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
A fun quiz
Published on January 7, 2005 By iamheather In Blogging

Here is a fun little quiz:

Which OS Are You?

I took this quiz and the result was surprisingly accurate. (at least the insane part)

I would love to know which OS you are!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 07, 2005
You are HP-UX. You're still strong despite the passage of time.  Though few understand you, those who do love you deeply and appreciate you.
Which OS are You?

on Jan 07, 2005
So I took it again, this time with the answers that more suited the deep dark places in my soul. You know, the secret me I don't let out often. Here are the results:

You are Red Hat Linux. You're tops among your peers, but still get no respect from them.  It's all right with you.  You have your sights set higher.
Which OS are You?

on Jan 07, 2005
You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent.  Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity.
Which OS are You?

Yeah, that's me - clever and superficial.
on Jan 07, 2005
You are Windows 95.  You look better than your older brother, but your communication skills are still lacking.  You start well, but often zone out.
Which OS are You?

Older Brother? Nope, I'm the older brother. Poor communication? Check. Start well, zone out? All the time...
on Jan 08, 2005
You are Windows 95.  You look better than your older brother, but your communication skills are still lacking.  You start well, but often zone out.
Which OS are You?

Blech. The only part I can agree with is: "start well, but often zone out." (Well, I am good looking....)

But otherwise, phooey! I'm Apple to the core, baby!

Lousy, inaccurate quiz, imho.
on Jan 08, 2005
I dont have the picture, but I was HP-UX. That sounds about right. Unfortunately, only one person really understands me. Oh well, thats one more than some people, right?
on Jan 08, 2005
Okay, I just looked at the full list of possible options people can be. (The quiz needed to include older Macintosh systems, like it did with WIndows. The authors have probably never used any, though.)

Of them, I'd say I'm either Apple DOS 3.1 or Amiga OS.

So there.
on Jan 08, 2005
You are Apple Dos. Simple and primitive with a good understanding of the common man.  You're still a work in progress, but a good start.
Which OS are You?

I actually used this OS!  Guess I am a dinosaur!

on Jan 08, 2005

BlueDev, your dichotomous results were interesting. Thanks for showing your dark-side OS.

TasT, NJForever and BlueDev seem to have a lot in common.

Casto-you are truly unique.

Danny, yours fits you perfectly except for the older brother thing.

Poor Gene, I am sorry yours was phooey. You are in good company with Danny, though.

Dr. Guy, you used that?!?




on Jan 08, 2005
on Jan 08, 2005

Dr. Guy, you used that?!?

Laugh you Vixen!  yea I did!  Did not know I was such an old fogey!  !

on Jan 08, 2005

Hey Zombie.

I am glad I am at least not a palm OS! (Oops!)

on Jan 08, 2005

Zombie, ROFL That is too funny....punctual, yeah right! You are useful and straightforward. Punctual, lmfao.

Dr. Guy, I knew you were old and wise, but not prehistoric!

on Jan 08, 2005

Dr. Guy, I knew you were old and wise, but not prehistoric!

Go ahead and laugh!  And tell me how your  kids are talking about the dinosaurs that did not have cable and iPods when they were growing up! 

Your time is coming!  Tell them to contact me so I can tell them stories!  hehehehee (demonic laugh there!)

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