Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Why are you here?
Published on December 18, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging

"Doesn't Blogspot look so much sharper than JU?"

"I've been impressed with the features of this website -- it's light years ahead of what I've been using in terms of ease of editing and fun stuff."

"It runs a lot faster than the JU forums, too."

"I just left a blog site that, like the United States is governed by an out-of-touch rich man, controlled by a conservative elite, and possessed of only one or two voices of moderation and compassion. People who don't toe the party line there are ridiculed and smeared; character assassination at its finest."

"They lob insults like grenades and the lurkers wait around like suicide bombers looking for an opening. Troops are marshalled, sides are taken, and the winners gloat and the losers sit and snipe from a distance. Loyalties are tested and the rhetoric gets less and less tolerant and more extreme."

"By the time I dealt with the flamers at the last site I blogged at, I originally jumped to the bait and then decided it just wasn't worth the effort. It's like the old saying, 'What if they held a war and nobody came?'"


Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 20, 2004
typical liberal

Honestly, you wonder why no one gets long around here when all we do is bait each other with stupid name calling. The person you are taking about is no more or less typical of a liberal than I am, and I've about had it with people (by virtue of calling all liberals) calling me immoral, amoral, cowardly, or any other long list of names. If someone is mean and nasty, or silly and stupid, or simply goes off the deep end, I don't think it really has anything to do with their party affliation.

This is getting ridiculous--you don't go around seeing me saying "typical conservatives" everytime someone engages in behavior I don't like.
on Dec 20, 2004

The person you are taking about is no more or less typical of a liberal than I am, and I've about had it with people (by virtue of calling all liberals) calling me immoral, amoral, cowardly, or any other long list of names

I would wish that you were typical of most liberals in that you are none of those.  Unfortunately, more often than not, we use a broad brush when talking about just a subset of the opposition, whether that is liberal or conservative.

on Dec 20, 2004
First of all-- I reread my post and it came off a little angrier than I had intented--so my apologies for that.

I would wish that you were typical of most liberals in that you are none of those

I guess that is sort of my point--In my opinion, I am pretty typical of most liberals--at least the ones I know.

Dont feel bad, though...its no different from Conservatives being called Nazi's every time we turn around.


If that shoe didnt fit you, there was no need to wear it.

Again, the shoe of "typical liberal" does fit--just not all the negatives that you are associating with it...

What I am trying to say is--feel free to call out an individual for their actions, but don't assume that the individual represents the party that they are associated with...

on Dec 20, 2004
What I am trying to say is--feel free to call out an individual for their actions, but don't assume that the individual represents the party that they are associated with...

I think that is worth an insightful for the day shadesofgrey.
on Dec 20, 2004
Well, I have nothing to add to that. I think we all reached an understanding...good on us!
on Dec 22, 2004

I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I don't. The fact is, no one (or hardly anyone) will read what is written on other blog sites.

The reason why JU is slower than a site like Blogspot is because Blogspot blogs are static pages where as JU is purely database driven. So the downside is there's a speed hit but the upside is that it allows for syndication, point systems, referral tracking, latest responses to posts being syndicated, channels, home page coverage, etc.

If soemone wants a truly private blog they can get that here by intentionally setting it so that no one but yourself can see it.  Or you can create a blog on blogspot in which no one will see it because there's no way to find it from anywhere.

Most former JU people only get a few people onto their blogs by advertising it through JU.

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