Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Mother and Daughter
Published on December 16, 2004 By iamheather In Misc
My son, Jakob, thought this picture of me as a little girl was his twin sister, Rachel. I do see the resemblance. Do you?

The first picture is me and the other two are Rachel.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 16, 2004
hmm, I can sort of see the resemblance, but it didn't jump out at me...
on Dec 16, 2004
I can sort of see it too... and umm, wouldn't "My daughter's twin brother" be your son? lol... that was odd how you worded it.

on Dec 16, 2004
it didn't jump out at me...

Me either, but it did to Jakob.

wouldn't "My daughter's twin brother" be your son? lol... that was odd how you worded it.

Yeah it did. Thanks for the tip. I fixed it.
on Dec 16, 2004
Cuties all.
on Dec 16, 2004

Cuties all.

Thank you. I think my daughter is adorable as well.

on Dec 17, 2004
Good looks run in the Sabbatismus family. They all get it from my side. I look like Paul Newman, don't you think Heather? Awh shucks, I forgot you said Dick Van Dyke or was it, Rodney Dangerfield. I'm so confused. Anyway, they are cuties. I'm doing back exercises preparing myself for the wrestling of all them at one time, this Christmas. What fun.
on Dec 17, 2004

wow...definitely a resemblance.

Reminds me of when we were at an aunt's house last year. I saw a picture on her mantle that looked exactly like our two year old. I asked her where she had gotten it since I knew we hadn't sent her one, then realized it was of our 9 year old when she was 2...they looked like peas in a pod at the same age!

on Dec 17, 2004
Yes, I certainly can see the resemblance. My brother and I looked exaclty the same at about age 4 or 5. We have a bunch of pictures that are nearly interchangeable.

Darling pictures!
on Dec 17, 2004


It was most definitely Dick Van Dyke, but he was good looking in a stringy, Gumby way. Keep working on those back exercises. The kids are definitely ready for you. That is all they talk about.


I saw a picture on her mantle that looked exactly like our two year old. I asked her where she had gotten it since I knew we hadn't sent her one, then realized it was of our 9 year old when she was 2...they looked like peas in a pod at the same age!

Genetics are amazing things. That was a cute story, Gideon. My husband looks so much like his father when he was younger that I swore my mother-in-law married my husband in the wedding picture I saw. Creepy feeling!


My brother and I looked exaclty the same at about age 4 or 5.

Wow, isn't that amazing. Do you look anything alike now? (besides the obvious gender difference ). I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.


on Dec 18, 2004
Awh Shucks, you sure it isn't Paul Newman?
on Dec 18, 2004
Wow, isn't that amazing. Do you look anything alike now? (besides the obvious gender difference ).

Umm, was that a joke, or is my writing really that effeminate? Yes, we still do look quite similar, though he is only about 5'10" and done growing (I am 6'3"). And since he is my brother, and I am a guy, male, dude, stud, stallion and all sorts of other manly things (yes I have an X and a Y chromosome) the gender difference isn't that obvious.

Here you go, I am the pappy of the family (this was last year's Christmas picture)
on Dec 18, 2004

Umm, was that a joke, or is my writing really that effeminate?

yes joke, so sorry. My joking fell flat. That smiley falling down should be on my comment.

You have a lovely family, BlueDev. Thank you for sharing the picture.

on Dec 18, 2004
Whew, I was nervous there for a moment.

Just had to check.
on Dec 18, 2004

Whew, I was nervous there for a moment

Don't be...your manhood is not in question.

on Dec 18, 2004
your manhood

*gasp* When did my manhood enter the conversation? I don't know whay my wife would think about that. She might not approve other women talking about my manhood.

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