Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Published on December 9, 2004 By iamheather In Misc
I found the perfect gift for anyone who spends most of the day in front of the computer.

The 5.25 Drive Bay Lighter and Cup Holder

If I had the resources, I would buy one for everyone at JU.

What JU would you buy a gift? Why would you choose this person? What would you give them?

*and since we are dreaming, I would also give Texas Wahine peace and happiness*

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 12, 2004
I would find the greatest "true love" for someone so full of love, Danny.
on Dec 12, 2004

Reply #16 By: iamheather - 12/12/2004 12:31:45 AM
I would find the greatest "true love" for someone so full of love, Danny.

That'd be on my list too.

I'd also give TW what her heart desires.

I'd give Brad an email elf to sort through the flotsam and jetsam that arrives in his inbox.

I'd give LW, Karma and Geezer some permanent relief from the RA they suffer, and karma from the lupus.

I'd give Phoenix a clean bill of health.

I'd give Gideon and his family a fully furnished home and Gideon a full-time, decent paying job.

And finally...I'd give all our military bloggers a reprieve from being wherevere they're at and the opportunity to come home for the holidays.


on Dec 12, 2004
I'd give Brad an email elf to sort through the flotsam and jetsam that arrives in his inbox.

He sure needs one!

I'd give LW, Karma and Geezer some permanent relief from the RA they suffer, and karma from the lupus.


I'd give all our military bloggers a reprieve from being wherevere they're at and the opportunity to come home for the holidays.

How thoughtful and appropriate. You are a dear, dharma.

on Dec 12, 2004
For Brad, popfile. It's an email filtering/sorting program. I used it myself and found it rather useful. Just needs to be taught what you want to put where and it goes from that. Course, Brad being the techie that he is probably already knows about and uses this...
on Dec 12, 2004
It's an email filtering/sorting program. I used it myself and found it rather useful

OOOhhh, that is cool. I may buy that present for myself. Thanks for the link and input.
on Dec 12, 2004
Well unless they changed it since I downloaded it, it's a free present
on Dec 12, 2004
it's a free present

My favorite kind!

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