Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
Am I really?
Published on November 18, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging
I think I have experienced my first ever blacklist. I am not sure, since I have never experienced one before. I went to read someone's article (someone I usually enjoy reading). I was reading the comments and was about to post. Then I realized that there was no link for me to comment. Then no link on any other article to comment either.

Does this mean I am blacklisted? If so, I have no idea why I would be. I don't remember any confrontation with this person. We do have different political leanings, but I always enjoyed the debate and don't think it ever got heated. I am a little confused.

I wish there was a way for someone to post or message you when they blacklist you. I would at least like to know what I am being punished for.

It doesn't feel good to be blacklisted. I don't like it. I feel guilty that I may have upset someone and do not even know it. Yucky!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 19, 2004
Guess what heather, it's the 1st time i blog too, and i think JU is a great community. So never mind that person, they might have overreacted to something you said. I'm sure it's no big deal and they'll 'talk' to you again soon after realizing that you're a cool blogger

Thanks Island, you're the best!

No doubt she will . . . she's a very reasonable person.

I have always thought so.
on Nov 19, 2004

I am Heather,

Yes, that means you were blacklisted.  I was as well. And like Blue Dev says, I took it as a badge of courage.  The person could not debate me with facts, so silenced me (so he thought) by blacklisting.

The loser in any blacklisting is usually the doer.  Exceptions are for when someone is really abusive.  But they are usually kicked off of JU pretty quickly.

on Nov 19, 2004
Iamheather--I'm sorry to hear that you were blacklisted. I think blacklisting is a very personal thing--some people just rub us the wrong way or grate on our nerves for no apparent reason. While we are expected to be cordial on other people's blogs, we do not need to welcome them to our own. Jill had a great article a while a back about a blog being like a house. If you don't get along with someone, you aren't likely to invite them to your house--the same goes with your blog.

Having said all that, I've only used the blacklist feature once.
on Nov 19, 2004
No, no response from that person yet. I really don't expect one, just hope that person forgives me in time.

I just saw that she gave you a response...I was going to say that if she hasn't forgiven you yet, she will; she forgave me...
on Nov 19, 2004

Reply #21 By: little_whip - 11/19/2004 12:16:37 PM
lol, im not an ogre, just a bit *testy* at times.

It comes with age, i think.

You aren't that least you don't seem that old...maybe I'm just...really young. But I'm not...
on Nov 19, 2004
Reply By: shadesofgreyPosted: Friday, November 19, 2004Iamheather--I'm sorry to hear that you were blacklisted. I think blacklisting is a very personal thing--some people just rub us the wrong way or grate on our nerves for no apparent reason. While we are expected to be cordial on other people's blogs, we do not need to welcome them to our own. Jill had a great article a while a back about a blog being like a house. If you don't get along with someone, you aren't likely to invite them to your house--the same goes with your blog. Having said all that, I've only used the blacklist feature once.

Must have been on me that one time! You are the person I am speaking of. You blacklisted me!
on Nov 19, 2004
at least you arent a blacklist virgin anymore, lol!

on Nov 19, 2004

Do you realize that you are the one that took my blacklisted virginity? Can you at least tell me why?
on Nov 19, 2004
Actually, it must blacklist by IP address. I blacklisted your husband.
on Nov 19, 2004
He he he . . . your still a virgin, heather! But you're husband's a dirty blacklist whore!
on Nov 19, 2004
I've removed the blacklist. Sorry, I really didn't mean to blacklist you, I'm not sure why that happened and I would not have been so arrogant as to have commented on your thread knowing that it was me that you referred to. The reason I blacklisted your husband was because I wrote an article about my feelings post election which was rather melodramatic and theatrical and therefore didn't post it to the forums but left in solely on my blog. I took his comments to be rude, and asked him not to come back twice...he kept returning so rathering than take down the article, I blacklisted. I figured it would only be temporary when I did it, and it seems like nows as good a time as any to remove it.

I am sorry for making you feel bad, that was never my intention. I just needed some cooling off time without someone telling me how "unremarkable" I am.
on Nov 19, 2004

That explains so much. It is nothing new for my husband to get blacklisted. He is very opinionated!

Thank you for clearing this up.

Hooray! I am still a virgin!!!
on Nov 19, 2004
I'm still confused as to why it blacklisted you. Even when I removed it, only his username was on the list.

Have you been able to comment on other sites that have him blacklisted?

It's all very confusing!
on Nov 19, 2004
Did you notice in my comment, I used "your" and "you're" completely wrong . . . twice! D'oh!
on Nov 19, 2004
BTW--I am finding it rather amusing to read through the comments now knowing that it was me (since I didn't have a clue the first time I read them)...though I am confused by Dr. Guy's comment cause I've never blacklisted him...

Again, I'm sorry for the hassle I've caused.
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