Call me crazy, but I am a dyed flaming redheaded conservative, alternative rock-loving, tattooed, Sinead O'Connor fan who knows every song from the '50's and '60's, and card carrying member of the Republican party.
I want 19"
Published on November 10, 2004 By iamheather In Blogging
Call me crazy, but I think size does matter....especially for computer monitors. My 19" monitor died yesterday. It had been on its last leg for some time now. I whined and complained to my husband to get me a new one, but as long as I could still sorta read the blurring text and the power stayed on (even if it never turned off), I was content. But Monday night, the thing actually powered off. I went to bed with glorious hopes that whatever virus ailed my monitor had miraculously been healed and the text would soon start clearing up.

Yeah...and Sugar Plum Fairies were dancing in my head, because the next power! My DOH (dear ol' husband) confiscated my son's 17" monitor so I would not go into cardiac arrest, but I am still emotionally scarred. Even as I sit here now, I can feel the wrinkles deepening in my face as I squint to read the screen.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 11, 2004
I have a 19" Viewsonic G90fb and it works just fine, though if I need a bigger screen I can just flip to my Samsung 30" Widescreen HDTV and enjoy a bigger screen.

Though my 19" has a flat screen but is not an LCD, no curvature what so ever on the screen just like my HDTV from Samsung, though I think I will eventually trade up for a DLP TV from Samsung when I have the money to do so, plus space for the 40-50" widescreen TV.

Keep on rocking in a PC world with Plinko games!!
on Nov 11, 2004
Viewsonic Ultrabrite e70f+ It works wonders for me as a gaming monitor. It's very bright, which is great since some games is really dark.

My monitor took pretty bad hit ( enough to crack and partially remove the front trim ) and it keep ticking. It's bit more sensitive to noises or vibration but for a monitor that got hard that hard it's working very well. Basically it shows darker strips when it get hit with loud ( or maybe not loud? Can't tell, but when I shout, it does that strips thingy. ) noise or vibration.
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